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Experience operator Gravity Entertainment bags tens of millions of yuan in funding

时间:2018-05-11 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Immersive user experience operator Gravity Entertainment Group has received tens of millions of yuan its A round funding backed by Heyu Capital in 2017, it was revealed on May 8.

Gravity Entertainment works with real estate companies and tourist attractions to recreate iconic settings of blockbuster movies, games, comics and novels in the real world. The recreated sets allow tourists to participate in interactive contexts and to be part of the stories.

Performances staged at natural landscapes usually cost hundreds of millions of yuan to develop and have long payback periods of three-five years. In contrast, Gravity Entertainment spends six-eight months and tens of millions of yuan on the research and development of new products, and pays back for its projects in 1-1.5 years through having more frequent performances.

The company has started the A+ round of financing to support its development strategy for 2018. It will try to plan, integrate, amplify and replicate various product lines, and enhance new product research and development. 

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