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Seminar highlights premium quality English beef

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Hong Kong is now one of the most important market for English beef outside the EU. So the value of products exported to Hong Kong is of high value.

Hong Kong is now the most significant market outside the EU For British beef and veal, with shipments increasing three-fold year-on-year, according to EBLEX, the organisation for English beef and lamb.

The value of products exported to Hong Kong is also of higher value, while offal exports to the SAR also increased by 43 % on the year to £25.7 million (US$42 million).

Speaking at a chef seminar sponsored by EBLEX entitled ‘English Beef The Royal Standard’, head of exports Jean Pierre Garnier said that English beef remains the reference point for beef quality, having developed the modern way of eating beef 300 years ago.

“We invented bovine genetics in the late 18th century, pioneered new ways of producing beef from the agricultural revolution to the modern developments of molecular genetics and the science of meat quality,” stressed Garnier.

“British breeds, such as the Aberdeen Angus, Hereford and Shorthorn, have been exported all over the world and remain the reference point for beef quality.”

EBLEX has selected Hong Kong as its key market in Asia and created the brand ‘English Beef the Royal Standard’ just for Hong Kong and Macau. English Beef re-entered the Hong Kong market over two years ago.

“We feel there is a gap in the market for premium grass fed beef, especially for the discerning consumer looking for a true eating experience,” added Garnier.

“We are aiming for high tenderness of course, but also striving for a long and deep grassy flavour allied with good product juiciness and fibrous mouth feel. “This is a different product from the traditional grain-fed beef served in Hong Kong but beef connoisseurs and more generally all self-declared gourmets will appreciate the difference and superior taste.”

The event showcased ‘quality assured’ English beef including cube roll, rump heart, rib bone-in, short rib and tenderloin.

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