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Sanya hotel bookings are over 50% for National Day holiday

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

After the short Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, some people begin to make arrangement for the National Day tour.

After the short Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, some people begin to make arrangement for the National Day tour. For the National Day holiday period, 7 days is good enough for an exciting tour. In September 14, the reporter learnt that some hotels in Sanya would launch a serious of special activities during the National Day holiday period. 50% rooms of some hotels in Sanya have been booked. Sanya high-star hotel prices tended to rise, but at a modest rate. Most of the hotel rome prices have generally flattened with last year, even some are lower than last year.

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