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Qunar.com Sells High-end hotels in Low Price

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Qunar.com announced that five-star hotels in second and third tier cities would be sold in a low price. Ningbo will be the first city to implement this project.

Qunar.com announced that five-star hotels in second and third tier cities would be sold in a low price. Ningbo will be the first city to implement this project.

Between September 15 to 30, customers can book the five-star hotels in Ningbo such as New Century Grand Hotel, Empark hotels and New Century Resort Jiulong Lake in 198 yuan per night, howerer, the previous price of these hotels are more than 500 yuan. 

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