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Smart tourism helps the transformation of china self-owned hotel brand

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

In recent years, China’s local hotel brand faced enormous resistance, especially China self-owned resorts. Transformation is a question that resonates throughout the China hotel industry.

In recent years, China's local hotel brand faced enormous resistance, especially China self-owned resorts. Transformation is a question that resonates throughout the China hotel industry.

Duhui, Chinese famous tourism planning and marketing expert, believes that Chinese economic environment is undergoing a tremendous change. The customers and market has changed. Lower notability, expansion of international hotel brands and lower consumption level of domestic tourists are big challenges faced by China's local hotel brand. So the hotel owners and the management identify their market position and improve the profitability by using Smart tourism and mobile internet.

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