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Langham Place, Mongkok boasts four Golden Keys members

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Langham Place, Mongkok, has become the first hotel in Hong Kong to have a concierge team awarded with four fully fledged members of The Society of The Golden Keys of Hong Kong.

Langham Place, Mongkok, has become the first hotel in Hong Kong to have a concierge team awarded with four fully fledged members of The Society of The Golden Keys of Hong Kong, affiliated to the U.I.C.H. Les Clefs d’Or, the authoritative reign on recognising concierges for their initiative in assisting hotel guests from around the globe, immortalised by crossed golden keys affixed to lapels.


Eddie Ho and Mandy Wan, Assistant Concierges at Langham Place, Mongkok, Hong Kong recently became members of The Society of The Golden Keys of Hong Kong, raising the membership portfolio of the hotel’s X team to four, together with Can Lam, Chief Concierge and Albert Fong, Assistant Chief Concierge, who acquired their keys in 2012.

“From assisting with hundreds of requests, securing reservations in popular restaurants, arranging wedding proposals to finding replacement parts for a vintage sewing machine, our X team has made many of our guests’ stays inspiring and memorable, retaining the heart of our brand essence ‘Know Our Guest, Build Great Memories’”, says Executive Assistant Manager - Rooms, Simon McHendry, “These golden pins are more than just a symbol - they represent guaranteed, quality service. We are truly proud of Eddie, Mandy and the rest of our X team’s achievements.”

The highly coveted membership of The Society of The Golden Keys of Hong Kong requires proven professional relationships with guests and colleagues, and well-connected members will share the city’s happenings on a regular basis with an extensive network that guarantees guests’ dynamic lifestyles run smoothly.

Proudly wearing their new symbols of concierge status, the Golden Key lapel pin, Eddie and Mandy have worked their magic of elevating guest experiences at the hotel since 2004 and 2008 respectively.

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