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Vizergy Cloud CMS Secure While Millions Of Open Source Websites Remain Vulnerable

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Vizergy – Digital Travel Marketing reaffirms its commitment to deep security protection and rigorous monitoring processes in the wake of the latest industry news.


Vizergy – Digital Travel Marketing, the hospitality industry’s leading provider inhotel Internet marketing, reaffirms its commitment to deep security protection and rigorous monitoring processes in the wake of the latest industry news, ensuring that its cloud-based marketing platform provides clients with unmatched security and robust disaster recovery in the event of emergencies.

Recent reports, as cited in Search Engine Journal, have uncovered an incredibly dangerous breach in online website security. A public service announcement released last Thursday from the Federal Bureau of Investigations stated that continuous website defacements have occurred as a result of vulnerability in the WordPress open source content management system (CMS) and have counted as many as one million sites impacted. Security risks include the addition of new and unauthorized administrators to registered sites, as well as the injection of backdoor breaches that could potentially result in thousands of dollars in lost revenue and danger of losing the ability to restore the original site once affected due to corruption or deletion.

Vizergy understands the challenges faced by hotel operators to compete aggressively online and offer an excellent online experience, while protecting their clients’ data and maintaining a rigid security protocol. The changing landscape of IT security and numerous cyber threats make this increasingly difficult. On April 12th, the esteemed TV news magazine, 60 Minutes, reported that even companies with the most sophisticated IT infrastructures, such as Sony (which was recently attacked) are “no match for the dozens of countries that now have offensive cyberwar capabilities”. Attacks can happen quickly, heightening the need for hospitality leaders to invest in an ecommerce solution that ensures their sites are monitored continuously, have robust security procedures in place, up-to-date technology and receive immediate attention in the event of an online attack.

Vizergy proudly provides its clients with the foremost CMS solution in the industry, built by a leading technology team with decades of collective experience in software development. Vizergy’s proprietary CMSeliminates the worry of cyber breaches through precautionary monitoring and firewalls, as well as by providing intuitive features not found in WordPress. These include customized widgets, a seamless visual editor with rich text for ease of use, robust analytics and planning tools, instantaneous technology upgrades and no technical knowledge of setup required.

“Hotel operators have seemingly endless choices for website development and solutions that can range in price anywhere from $14-$2,500 per month,” said Joe Hyman, CEO, Vizergy. “While inexpensive solutions may garner appeal from a budgetary standpoint, this recent event is prime example of the shortcomings of an unprotected platform, leaving users vulnerable through lack of monitoring and necessary version upgrades that greatly enhance security in such instances.”

“We invest substantially in technology, from intrusion detection and PCI compliance, to around the clock monitoring and the best equipment on the market to support our applications,” said Robert Arnold, President, Vizergy. “Our investment in the people that have developed and maintain our systems and applications is substantial, and having people with the proper education and certifications to combat these technical affronts is critical in today’s complex online environment.”

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