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China will block travel for those with bad ‘social credit’

时间:2018-03-20 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Chinese authorities will begin revoking the travel privileges of those with low scores on its so-called “social credit system”, which ranks Chinese citizens based on comprehensive monitoring of their behavior. Those who fall afoul of the system could be blocked from rail and air travel for up to a year.

China’s National Development and Reform Commission released announcements on Friday saying that the restrictions could be triggered by a broad range of offenses. According to Reuters, those include acts from spreading false information about terrorism to using expired tickets or smoking on trains.

Though the policy has only now become public, Reuters says it may have come into effect earlier — in a press conference last year, an official said 6.15 million Chinese citizens had already been blocked from air travel for social misdeeds.

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