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Shimao Group to Launch its Self-owned Brand Hotel

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Reporter learned that Shimao Group recently signed up with Shanghai Xinchangning Group to build a high-end hotel named “MiniMax Premier Ruishang”.

Reporter learned that Shimao Group recently signed up with Shanghai Xinchangning Group to build a high-end hotel named “MiniMax Premier Ruishang”. This is the first independent hotel brand built by Shimao Group. The insider believed that this move showed that Shimao hotels and resorts would spread around the whole country.

About Shimao Group

Shimao, a globalized agglomeration centering on real estate development, is currently in possession of two listed companies, Shimao Property (0813.HK) and Shimao Stock (600823.SH), as its core business. Through the development of nearly two decades, Shimao has obtained its leading position as in real estate industry in China. 

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