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Ctrip suspects the search platform impartiality of Qunar.com

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Online travel site Ctrip were squabbling fiercely with Qunar.com about the search platform impartiality of Qunar.com.

Online travel site Ctrip were squabbling fiercely with Qunar.com about the search platform impartiality of Qunar.com. Yesterday, Ctrip announced that they will remove the company's hotel products from Qunar.com shelves. Ctrip said the main reason for this move is Qunar.com used the technical means to give its “sock puppet” agents more display and priority, which destroy the search platform impartiality.


百度搜索:Ctrip suspects the search platform impartiality of Qunar.com 查找更多相关信息!

Google Search:Ctrip suspects the search platform impartiality of Qunar.com Find more information!

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