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Evergrande Group to be opened 100 five-star hotels in ten years

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

In recent years, Evergrande Group accelerate the construction of travel synthesis and established Hengda Hotels & Resorts in 2007.

Peng Jianjun, vice president of Evergrande Group attended Wuhan Hengda Hotel Opening Ceremony and said Evergrande Group will open 100 five-star hotels in ten years which covered the first, second and third tier cities. Evergrande Group will create a high-end hotel chain.

Wuhan Hengda Hotel is the first Flagship hotel in Central China. Peng Jianjun pointed out that Evergrande Group accelerate the construction of travel synthesis in recent years and established Hengda Hotels & Resorts in 2007. Now, Hengda Hotels in South, West and North China region has opened and strives to open 100 hotels in the next 10 years.

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