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Cross-strait total flights during Spring Festival are not limited

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

After the consultation of cross-strait civil aviation authorities, the total number of regular passenger and cargo flights between two sides during 2015 Spring Festival is not limited.

China Civil Aviation Administration official website released a piece of news that civil aviation authorities from both sides of Taiwan Strait recently held the tenth Cross-strait Air Transport communication conference in Taiwan and reached a consensus about increasing the regular passenger and cargo flights between two sides during 2015 Spring Festival and exchange views the implementation of cross-strait air transport and the subsequent development.

After consultation, the number of regular passenger flights between two sides of Taiwan Strait increased from 828 weekly to 840 weekly. Continental passenger destinations increased from 54 to 55 which included the charter destination, Wuyi Mountain , Meizhou, Yichang and Luoyang. The regular cross-strait cargo flights increased from 68 flights per week to 84 flights per week. Continental scheduled freighter destinations increased from 9 to 10.

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