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China Hotel prices are on an upward trend

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Hotels.com releases a new report to show that the average hotel room prices of the first half of 2014 continues to rise.

A new report released by Hotels.com shows that compared with last year, the average hotel room prices of the first half of 2014 are on an upward trend. As the top tourist destinations for foreign travelers, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou are also the top3 as last year.

During the first half year of 2014, the steady growth of the domestic economy and the increases of national per capita disposable income stimulate the domestic travel demand. The data from China Tourism Academy shows that the total number of tourist reception in the first half of this year is 1.91 billion passengers, an increase of 9.6%. The domestic travel market is particularly prominent, so the National hotel prices have also risen.

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