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Meadin Report: the Development of China’s Economy Hotel Brand in August, 2014

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Meadin Brand Index (MBI) is released exclusively by Meadin.com, providing index data that reflect the brands (including relative brands of hotels and suppliers) influence for a period of time.

An overview of economy hotels development in August

Latest news

<1>According to the Home Inns’ second-quarter results, the total revenues for the second quarter of Home Inns were 1.7 billion yuan, which rose 82% from a year earlier. The company’s net profit attributed to the ordinary shareholders was 108.2 million yuan (about 17.4 million dollars), an increase of 14.2% over last year.

<2> The second-quarter occupancy rate of Huazhu rose 91.2%. The ADR was 180 yuan and RevPAR was 164 yuan.

<3>According to the latest data from Thankyou hotels Group, as of August 11, 2014, the number of Thankyou hotel branches in China has reached 960.

Analysis of the brand impact of economy hotel brands August

1. TOP 20 Domestic economy hotel brands board


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2. An overview of economy hotel brand index changes in August

From the view of index change


From the view of the ranking change


3. TOP1 Rising Domestic economy hotel Brand Analysis

Chart: Urban 118 MBI (Meadin Brand Index) detailed data (August)


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Brand Index change


4. The key economy hotel brand analysis


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Brand Index change


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