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Plateno share the membership with other cooperant hotels

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Plateno Hotels Group upgrades its Customer Loyalty Program and signs up with many other hotels to share the membership.

Yesterday, the “Plateno” which was upgraded from “7 days Inn” with more than 80 million members was unveiled. After Plateno Hotels Group signed up with Metro Park Hotels to be a strategic alliance, Plateno signed a similar agreement with some domestic hotels including Cape resort hotel Guangzhou, T Hotel, Victory Hotel Guangzhou and the international hotel chain brand Tune. The member joining in the Customer Loyalty Program of both sides signed the agreement can book can book the hotel rooms of each other and enjoy the corresponding member rights and discount to achieve "double membership, double points ", which is first of its kind in the industry.

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