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Alibaba's Taobao Travel will buy into Elong?

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Recently, it is said that alibaba’s Taobao Travel planned to buy into Expedia’s online travel service provider eLong.

After the world's largest online travel company Priceline bought into Ctrip, the development of its Competitor Expedia was blocked in China, but Expedia never gives up seeking the strategy to break this situation. Yesterday, reporter learnt that alibaba's Taobao Travel is negotiating with Expedia to buy into its online travel service provider eLong. If both sides reach cooperative consensus finally, elong will complement the alibaba's travel business, at the same time Expedia can use alibaba's travel business in China to compete with Priceline.

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