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China hotel market has broad market prospects

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Fifth China Growing Hotel Chain Development Conference is held in Shijiazhuang City which is the capital of Hebei province.

What prospects will 490 Chinese hotel chains face? How about the new development opportunities in the future? Fifth China Growing Hotel Chain Development Conference was held in Shijiazhuang City which is the capital of Hebei province. The representatives of China’s hotel industry well-known brands such as Home Inn, City Comfort Inn and Eaka 365 and many experts and scholars gathered at this conference to discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by the China growing hotel chains.

At the conference, President Hanming of the China Hotel Association said that the development of Chinese hotel market is still in its infancy, so its business format, management model, use of modern technology and marketing model, etc., need to improve. The market is still broad, especially in the second and third tier markets.

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