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Argyle Hotel Group Named Finalist in Prestigious Export Awards

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Argyle Hotel Group (AHG) has been announced as a finalist in the National Award Category for Business Services.


The Export Council of Australia holds the awards annually and was impressed with the calibre of finalists for 2014. The Export Council understands that exporting Australian products and services is vital to strong business growth and these awards showcase the hard work that companies such as Argyle Hotel Group and other established and emerging Australian companies undertake to do that.

“The Export Council of Australia congratulates Argyle Hotel Group on being named a finalist in the 2014 Premier of NSW Export Awards and wishes them well at the awards ceremony on the 23rd October in Sydney.”– Lisa McAuley, COO Export Council of Australia.

Argyle Hotel Group is now the largest Australian hotel management group withcontinued strong growth and expansion throughout China with 56 hotels, 12,242 hotel rooms and US$ 2.8 billion of assets now under management. The group has shown great initiative in expanding its business frontier throughout greater China with many of the developments insecond, third and fourth tier cities.

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