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Airbnb Trips – six months on, still in the treehouses, igloos and yurts phase

时间:2017-04-12 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Last November, Airbnb announced to the world its next wave of innovation to the strains of Maroon 5 with a dash of Lady Gaga.

Trips was to be the next layer in the customer travel experience after accommodation because, after all, people are inspired to travel based on what they want to do in a place – far more than by where they will lay their head when they get there.

NB: This is an analysis by Tony Carne, general manager of Urban Adventures.

It gives Airbnb a play higher up the funnel, in the inspiration and dreaming phase – which is a super important place to be playing if you want to eventually own the total travel experience.

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