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Theme park group Fantawild posts 711 million yuan net profit in 2016

时间:2017-04-03 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Shenzhen-based Fantawild, a theme park and entertainment group, reported annual operating revenue of RMB 3.36 billion as of December 31, 2016, 19.79% more than previous year. 

Operating profit was RMB 554 million, down by 11.15% YoY, and net profit attributable to the company’s shareholders rose 8.71% to RMB 711 million during the time, according to the company’s annual report in 2016. 

The annual report attributes the rise in operating revenue in 2016 to Fantawild’s investments in newly-added park developments, and the drop in operating profit to the company’s increased expenditure on marketing. 

Fantawild splashed out hundreds of millions of yuan in advertising last year, successfully boosting internet searches for the company’s Fantawild Adventure parks to a record high. 

Operating revenue from the company’s cultural and technological theme parks grew 33.51% YoY to RMB 1.77 billion, accounting for 91.03% of Fantawild’s total revenue in 2016. 

Fantawild ranked 8th in the Top 10 Theme Park Groups Worldwide list with 23.093 million total visitors in 2015, a 77.4% surge from a year before, according to the Global Attractions and Attendance Report jointly released by US-based researchers Themed Entertainment Association and AECOM in May 2016. 

(Translated by Jerry)

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