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Top 5 hotel experiences most talked about on social media

时间:2017-04-03 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Consumption and relaxing are the most popular activities that hotel guests will post about on social media, rather than ranting about staff.

To uncover this data point, Local Measure examined every item of content on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for two months from the turn of 2017 for 300 hotels in the US, Australia and across Asia.

Over the two-month period, the following posts were the most popular:

1. Restaurant/meals – 11,700 posts
2. Drinks/the bar – 6,400 posts
3. View from the guest room– 4,000 posts
4. Key room features/condition of the room – 3,000 posts
5. The pool/swimming – 2,800 posts

Content about the staff at the hotels featured in just 800 posts over the same period, with a guest’s arrival at the property featuring 500 times and gym areas on only 300 occasions.

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