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HNA acquires 80% stake in financial media site Caijing

时间:2017-03-10 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

HNA Capital, a subsidiary of HNA Group, has acquired a stake in the entity operating online financial news outlet Caijing.com, according to public data from National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System.

Another source Tianyancha.com said that HNA has purchased an 80% stake in Caijing.com's legal entity Beijing Lianban Caixun for RMB 8.8 million. 

Beijing Lianban Caixun was established in 2014 and it operates the online portal of Caijing.com. Caijing magazine is operated by Hong Kong-listed SEEC Media Group. It appears HNA Capital acquired a company that does not operate Caijing magazine.

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