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Engaging travel audiences through 360-degree video

时间:2017-03-10 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Imagine being able to invite potential customers into your world from the comfort of their sofa, giving them the chance to experience your destination as they sit down in search of their next adventure.

NB: This is a viewpoint from Jon Mowat, managing director of Hurricane Video Strategy.

We’ve come a long way from the days of sending out promotional ‘guided tour’ VHS tapes to woo would-be guests, and the dawn of 360 video marketing is poised to revolutionise travel advertising.

Our minds are hardwired to react to movement, and there’s something innately appealing about video content that lets you take control and manipulate the viewpoint, surveying the action from every angle as if you’re really there.

Users don’t even require VR headsets (although they’re relatively cheap and readily available) as both YouTube and Facebook 360 videos employ a click and drag motion that lets you manipulate the action – looking up, down, left, right and behind to create that ‘real life’ effect.

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