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Email marketing for hotels – everything you should be doing

时间:2017-03-10 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Here is something that everybody in the hotel industry already knows (or should do): email marketing has become more important than ever.

The cost of click and impression-based marketing on search engines and social networks continues to rise, not just for generic terms, but also for the historically cheaper brand name terms.

Email marketing remains extremely relevant and cost-effective. It has become the best permission-based outbound tool in your marketing kit, hands down.

However, as with every great tool, the responsibility to use it well lies with the user.

NB: This is a viewpoint from Vikram Singh, author of the Words of Vikram blog.

Smart hotels and brands have moved away from the mass broadcasting of spammy emails, and are now focusing on personalized, permission-based email delivery; and they are seeing their revenues go up.

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