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Travellers ready for Messenger-type communications

时间:2017-01-04 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Messaging-based customer service, powered mostly by Facebook at the moment, is tipped to become a part of the mainstream brand-to-consumer relationship.

Interacting with brands using the social network’s messaging platform has, so far, been seen to be a bit on the novelty side of communications.

But consumers appear to be willing to accept that a robot might be the easiest way of engaging with a travel service.

For example, when asked in a recent survey about whether they would accept travel brands proactively sending them messages, nearly half of a 2,000-sample of consumers in both France and the UK said they would be interested if the hotel or airline was sending an exclusive offer or deal.

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