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The Future of the Hotel Industry in 2020

时间:2017-01-04 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

This week, we tuned in to a fascinating webinar held by Revinate, Siteminder and IdeaS. In this webinar, Peter O’Connor, Professor at ESSEC Business School looked at what the future of the Hotel Industry will look like in 2020. In order to research this, he did two things: 1) conducted a written survey with a group of hoteliers; 2) held a think-tank session with consultants and senior operational managers from hotels.

When doing so, he asked the two groups two questions: who is the guest of 2020 and what technology based systems will be used by hoteliers in 2020?

We’ve outlined the discussion points surrounding these key points.

Who is the Guest of 2020?

Both the survey respondents and the think tank session gave similar responses when posed this question - and the answer was quite predictable. Both groups understood that guests are becoming increasingly tech-savvy and sophisticated travellers. They all expect personalisation, want unique experiences and have higher expectations. However the real question they all had was: how do hotels achieve this? It was very quickly identified that truly understanding your guest is the key to success. Without a deep understanding of guests and website visitors, hoteliers will quickly fall behind the emerging trends in the industry.

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