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Video: Modular cabin and travel customization

时间:2017-01-04 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Consumers have endless choices and options to customize when it comes to just about anything, from our mobile phones and the way we purchase goods.

But compared to the dizzying pace of innovation and expansion of options we’ve experienced in other parts of our lives, the air travel experience can sometimes seem commoditized. 

For the past year, Transpose have been working on a clean-sheet rethinking of aircraft cabin architecture and passenger experience possibilities.

Here’s a video of how the system works.

The team first works to simplify the process of customizing aircraft with modular cabins, giving the ecosystem of airlines, manufacturers, passengers and regulators the tools to rapidly bring more diverse experiences to market.

Transpose's focus is threefold:

Demonstrate technical feasibility of building and operating modular cabins.

Validate passenger enthusiasm for new in-flight experiences.

Close a business case that makes all of this feasible soon.

The idea of modular aircraft is not new. What makes Transpose different, is that it don’t require a completely new kind of aircraft or the fundamental redesign of airport infrastructure — developments that would take decades and billions of dollars. Modular aircraft cabins already exist… in the form of freighter variants of large commercial aircraft.

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