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Rockaway snaps up failed Unister's assets

时间:2017-01-04 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Investment house Rockaway Capital has big plans for a “pan-European online travel agency leader” after buying the assets of Unister Travel.

Unister filed into voluntary insolvency in July this year just days after the death of its CEO Thomas Wagner and co-founder Oliver Schilling in a plane crash in Italy.

It emerged during a subsequent investigation that Wagner had allegedly been the subject of a €1.5 million scam before his fatal flight.

The group bought into travel earlier this year when it acquired Invia, an OTA in Czech Republic and Poland. The deal has been cut financially with the help of China Energy Company (CEFC), the seventh largest private company in China and a strategic investor in western brands.

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