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Travelers who take selfies remember trips better?

时间:2016-11-17 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Some people may assume that travelers who take selfies are less likely to remember their vacations than those who go device-free.

Researchers who surveyed more than 700 summer travelers from a half-dozen countries find that travelers who snapped photos and selfies on vacation “were 40% more likely to remember their vacations well than those who didn’t.”

The study was built by the University of Texas at Austin, led by psychologist Art Markman, with support by Hanover Research, and was funded by vacation rental brand HomeAway. 

The study also finds that “Instagram users were 24% more likely than Facebook users to have clear memories of how they felt during their vacations.”

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