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Alipay targets Chinese travelers abroad with Verifone deal

时间:2016-10-28 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Alipay's parent Ant Finacial announced a slew of partnerships in the U.S. with payment processor First Data and hardware manufacturer Verifone. 

Alipay has agreed to integrate its mobile app on Verifone payment terminals at merchants in Europe and North America, the latest such deal to reach Chinese consumers traveling abroad.

According to Verifone, nearly 100 million Chinese consumers annually travel abroad and use Alipay to make purchases. The partnership follows quickly on Alipay’s deals with Zapper and Ingenico – both for the same reason as Verifone’s. 

Ten major international airports including Munich Airport in Germany and Narita International Airport in Japan began to accept Alipay payments from October, according to an earlier report of ChinaTravelNews

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