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Airline ancillary spend has regional differences

时间:2016-10-28 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Sabre asked 1,500 travellers from 20 countries to disclose how much they are happy to spend on additional products, and what are seen as vital elements for which they would be part with cash.

At a global level, extra legroom and seat selection are the most important items for passengers. But drill down into the various global regions and the results differ substantially, as this chart shows:

Passengers in Africa are currently the highest spending travellers of ancillary products, averaging around USD 95 per trip. They also hold the top spot for how much they are willing to spend USD 144.

The study also found that Latin American passengers remain the biggest champions of the travel agent model, with almost half (48%) still preferring to book with a consultant.
All other regions are under 40%.

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