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Auto dealer, cab companies enter car-hailing sector in China

时间:2016-10-18 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Dingding Car-hailing, a ride-sharing platform established by car dealer PangDa, teamed up with Everbright Financial Leasing in a strategic agreement on October 12. The financial leasing company will put RMB 5 billion into Dingding to support the car-hailer’s development. 

Dingding is not the only new entrant in the sector amid the release of car-hailing draft regulations. Dazhong Taxi’s car-hailing unit announced on October 11 that the Shanghai-based cab company has connected more than 10,000 taxis on its platform and 70% of the company’s self-managed fleet are available on the platform. (Translated by Jerry)

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