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Expedia lets hotels offer freebies as an alternative to rate cutting

时间:2016-10-18 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

It’s simplistic but true: The only way hotels have been able to quickly stand out from their rivals in online marketplaces like Expedia is by adjusting their rates up and down.

Sure, other things matter, like brand and consumer ratings. But in terms of speed, in terms of being able to lure more guests in real-time, the main lever that hotels have is to change their rates.

But this year Expedia has been rolling out a tool that lets hoteliers selectively add spiffs, such as free parking or free wifi, as an additional lever to convert customers.

Expedia has more than 5,000 active value-add promotions on its site at the moment, a spokesperson told Tnooz. The service has been made available to hoteliers in the US and in select Latin American markets, with plans for an end-of year roll-out globally. There is no additional commission for taking advantage of the service.

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