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Hyatt adds 3D printing to travel’s digital marketing toolkit

时间:2016-10-18 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

The Hyatt Place hotels and Hyatt House extended-stay brands in the US have found a way to make their latest digital marketing campaign stand out.

The campaign uses three-dimensional (3D) printers to build figurines of respected business travelers who have been nominated by travelers through an internet contest.

Through the 25th of October, people are invited to submit images of inspiring travelers through the brands’ Facebook pages, tagging the nominee’s name along with the hashtags #WhySettle and #Entry.

Hyatt has hired a digital manufacturer, Capture Me, to build Oscar-style statuettes of these road warriors, one layer at a time, from standstone (rather than chiseling, drilling, nailing or otherwise machining them).

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