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Priceline founder: booking sites antiquated

时间:2016-10-04 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

In a conversation with Skift—a global travel industry intelligence leader—the founder of The Priceline Group Inc. (PCLN), Jay Walker, pretty much stated that online travel booking sites are way behind the times.

Walker said, “This is really the end of the age of automation; [online travel booking sites are] a Model T Ford with a Ferrari engine. There’s no question that the phone and mobile changes everything, then you add augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and big data . . . this version of online travel is going to seem like a dial phone. What’s different now is that the compounding growth rate has caught up.”

Many industry leaders expect voice-based commands to be the next key growth driver, but it’s not as simple as it sounds. When you want to contact someone, you’re much more likely to text than call. That’s because people are pressed for time and typing is simply faster. The same rule is going to apply to online booking.

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