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China will become the second largest base of Jumeirah Group

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Jumeirah Group signed three management agreements to add three new luxury hotels and resorts in China. China will likely to be the second largest base of Jumeirah Group.

In October 16, Jumeirah Group announced to sign three management agreements to add three new luxury hotels and resorts in China, which included Jumeirah Resort Haikou, Jumeirah Hotels Wuhan and Jumeirah Hotel Nanjing. James Mabey, Jumeirah Senior Vice President of Development of Asia pacific, believes that China has been the largest market for luxury consumption and the market will continue to expand in the future. So he is optimistic about the future of China luxury industry. By 2020, China will become the second largest base of Jumeirah Group after the headquarters of the Middle East.

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