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Ten hotel groups establish "counterpart links" with CNTA

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Recently, China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) issued Notification on establishing "counterpart links" with Tourism Enterprises (Hereinafter referred to as the Notification).

Recently, China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) issued Notification on establishing "counterpart links" with Tourism Enterprises (Hereinafter referred to as the Notification). The Notification pointed out that in order to implement the achievement of educating and practicing mass line of the party and carry out the spirit of the National Tourism Industry Service and Supervision meeting as well actively cultivate the market subject and develop the leading role of large and medium-sized tourism enterprises, China National Tourism Administration organized "counterpart links" of 31 tourism enterprises. The specific list is as follows.

Travel agencies:

1.    Shanghai Spring International Travel Service Co. Ltd

2.    China CYTS Tours Holding Co. Ltd (CYTS)

3.    China Travel Service Head Office Co. Ltd.

4.    China International Travel Service Limited, Head Office

5.    Guangdong China Travel Service Co., Ltd

6.    China comfort Travel Group Co., Ltd

7.    GZL International Travel Service Ltd.

8.    Citic Travel Co.,Ltd

9.    Beijing UTour International Travel Service Co.,Ltd.

10.  Ctrip.com International, Ltd. (CTRP)

11.  Chongqing Yangtze Impression Internal Travel Service.,Ltd.

12.  Hunan Enjoygoing International, Ltd.

13.  Changjiang Cruise Overseas Travel Co.

14.  Lvmama.com International, Ltd.

15.  China Travel Service Zhejiang Group Co., Ltd.

Tourist Hotels:

1.    Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels (Group) Co., Ltd.

2.    HNA Hospitality Group

3.    Wanda Hotels and Resorts Co., Ltd.

4.    Jinling Hotels & Resorts

5.    BTG-JIANGUO Hotels & Resorts

6.    New Century Hotel Group

7.    Narada Hotel Group

8.    HK CTS Hotels Co. Ltd.

9.    Huatian Hotel Group CO., LTD.

10.  Plateno Hotels Group

Enterprises in tourist attraction

1.    Overseas Chinese Town Holdings Company

2.    Guangdong Chimelong Group Co. Ltd

3.    Xi’an Qujiang Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.

4.    Zhejiang Hengdian World Studios

5.    Zhejiang Hengdian World Studios

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