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Be upfront: Engagement levels fall for travel brands in social media

时间:2016-09-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Many hotels used to ask their followers/fans in social media to get engaged with the brand – and it often worked. But now they appear to have changed tack.

Ryan Solutions did some analysis of shared social media posts from 100,000 hotels and resorts over the last 12 months to see what is going on.

It looked at the posts that had some kind of request for “engagement” (such as “Share this post for a chance…”) compared to those that did not, in order to see the levels of sharing by users.

Asking for a retweet, for example, did not work – simple as that.

But other factors had very different results.

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