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Emirates criticises GDS model, claims a new idea will eventually disrupt it all

时间:2016-09-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Emirates is not particularly known for having a major axe to grind in public against some of its industry partners.

Yet the president of Emirates, Tim Clark, is not very happy with the status quo in the world of airline distribution and says “there are too many parasites” taking value from the airline in order to support their own business models.

Speaking at the recent Aviation Festival in London, Clark believes there will be what he calls a “digital disruption group” in the future that will redesign the current platforms that handle distribution and digital services – an overhaul that will “streamline by up to 50% of what we do”.

He adds:

“I have been banging the drum about the way we are – an industry constrained by the legacy distribution systems.

“I am not satisfied that the GDS systems of distribution on offer are fit for purpose in the next five or ten years, particularly in light of what has been going on in the digital world.”

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