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SAP-backed Concur acquires Hipmunk, in exit for the metasearch UX pioneer

时间:2016-09-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Concur, the travel-and-expense software company, has acquired Hipmunk, the travel metasearch brand that was one of the early companies to graduate from the now-famous Y Combinatoraccelerator.

The terms of the transaction were not revealed. The San Francisco-based startup had raised nearly$55 million in investment since its launch a half-dozen years ago. Its most recent round was nearly $6 million this past spring.

Hipmunk’s brand name will remain, and it will continue on as a standalone brand for consumers.

The startup arrived with a stated goal of disrupting the flight search sector. As Tnooz has previously reported, the founders said that they would take on the likes of pre-Priceline Group brand Kayak.

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