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China spurs massive growth in global air traffic

时间:2016-09-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Airline passenger traffic grew 6.4% worldwide last year, according to Airports Council International (ACI). Total passengers rose across all major regions to 7.2 billion, almost the population of the planet. 

Asia-Pacific airports handled the most, with trips up 8.6% to 2.46 billion, while the Middle East increased the fastest, climbing 9.6% to 334 million. 

One of the biggest driving forces has been China. Beijing's airport held the No. 2 rank with passengers up 4.4% to 89.9 million last year, trailing Atlanta's 5.5% increase to 101.5 million.  

"Despite the slowing of economic growth in China, its move away from an investment-led economy to a consumption-driven economy will further stimulate air transport demand over the long run," ACI said in its roundup.

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