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Bjorn Su has appointed as General Manager of Crowne Plaza Paragon Xiamen

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Mr. Bjorn Su with over 24 years of experience with leading International Hotels and Boutique Hotel has been appointed as General Manager of Crowne Plaza Paragon Xiamen.


Mr. Bjorn Su has been appointed as General Manager of Crowne Plaza Paragon Xiamen. Mr. Su has over 24 years of experience with leading International Hotels and Boutique Hotel via Finance Director, Executive Assistant Manager and General Manager.

He has commenced his hotel journey after graduating from Finance Department of Xiamen University. With keen insight of figure and creative brand sense, it is believed that he will bring new energy to Crowne Plaza Paragon Xiamen according to his years of experience in hospitality industry. His vision is building a hotel filled with stories and leaving a fascinating story between guest and hotel. 

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