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Business travellers on apps and other hotel technology

时间:2016-09-09 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

GBTA Foundation has quizzed US corporate travelers on the hotel technology they use when staying away for business.

As well as the usual findings on wifi, travelers were also asked whether they have hotel chain Apps on their phones and what they use them for.

The findings reveal 61% business travelers have had an app of one of the seven major hotel chains on their mobile phone in the past year and 54% have had at least two Apps from major chains.

The majority of business travelers say they mostly use the apps to check the status of a reservation (43%) or manage loyalty points (43%) while almost 40% use them to book a stay.

The Apps are less likely to be used to discover restaurants or attractions with only 25% of travelers using them for that purpose and only 10% use them for room service and less to contact hotel employees.

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