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Hilton claims new level of personalisation for mobile never seen before

时间:2016-09-09 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

The summer in the northern hemisphere must be over – with a mightily bold claim coming out of Hiltonthis week to welcome industry folk back to work.

The global hotel chain says it has developed a part of its mobile application that is “reimagining the guest experience”, launching what it calls Fun Finder.

The tool is on its HHonors and is essentially a notification system that looks at the profile of the guest to work out the best offers and messages to send.

For example, a couple on their honeymoon will be sent a message and directions to a discounted “couples massage appointment”, or a family will receive a schedule of a day’s activities in a resort.

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