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Highlights of China Travel Innovation Challenge

时间:2016-08-31 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

As part of 2016 TravelDaily Conference which will be held from Aug. 31 to Sept. 1 in Shanghai, China Travel Innovation challenge will be held in the afternoon (14:30 - 16:00) of Sept. 1. As a platform for demonstrating innovative products in travel industry, the event has attracted more than forty applicants from both China and abroad who are focusing on various areas including virtual reality, travel search, personalization, trip planning, hotel customer experience, hotel distribution and hotel alliance, etc.

After various rounds of elimination, the following seven companies have entered the final round:

1. Elong Hotel VR

Based on SDK of Google VR player, Elong Hotel VR is developed by combing the application scene of hotel reservation, so that users can experience hotel VR products with naked eyes or by wearing equipment. From VR video of hotel, users can obtain the dynamic multi-dimension display of hotel, change the scene through interaction in VR video at any time, and gather information on hotel, covering the information shortage of hotel products displayed by 2D image+text, and assisting users at better purchase decision.

2. HoloGo — Mixed Reality Smart Travel Solution

HoloGo is a travelling app solution which bases on mixed reality. User will be able to explore and interact with the beauty of world via panoramic videos through HoloLens. Customers will be able to identify potential areas of tourism products to optimize through analyzing user interaction data collected by our solution.

3. MySmark

MySmark is an emerging technology for online travel and commerce, featured by an online service (SaaS) for consumer research and online personalization. The product is composed by 3 main parts:

1. touchpoints (multi-channel, interactive, emotional)
2. data modeling (for users, brands, destinations)
3. personalization engine (loyalty, upselling, cross-selling)

4. Trip Planner Enterprise Edition

Trip Planner Enterprise Edition by QYER is a trip planning tool designed for tourism enterprises, to provide smart and productive itinerary solutions, while delivering enterprises great efficiency and flexibility that enables them to better meet the demands of their end consumers. Drawing on a data pool of 10 million itineraries created by 5 million Chinese travelers, Trip Planner helps tourism businesses increase their productivity, manage cost and improve their customer experience with premium features such as exclusively personalized company page, simplified itinerary creation process, customization services, PDF/Excel/Doc document generation for VISA application, and products online booking.

5. Tour Leader Treasure

Exclusively designed for tour guide on the journey, 54traveler App features 3 main functions, namely online name list checking, E-group document & online accounting voucher. The App enables the tour guide to manage the real-time accounting, refund and reconciliation with internal accounting department.

6. Intelligent Grouping and the Intelligence Engine for Tours

Lulutrip Tour Intelligence Engine consists of data normalization engine, fuzzy matching algorithms, and machine learning. It provides data and recommendations based on the customer attributes, and thereby enables the user to find the most appropriate products easily. Intelligent Group Feature is an application that leverages the Lulutrip Tour Intelligence Engine.  Intelligent Grouping - Merge tours that cover the same major POIs and attractions into groups, and highlight the differences amongst the tours within the same group.

7. Mioji

Mioji is an automated trip planner using our home-grown Artificial Intelligence engine. Having adapted search engine model for travel, we have developed the largest travel-centred product databased globally and more importantly formed a travel-centred knowledge graph from multiple inputs. As a result, Mioji can provide optimised travel routes, automated daily itinerary and further complete all bookings at one go, while meeting the need of personalization to enhance end-to-end travel experience.

These companies will showcase their product innovations within their eight-minute time slots. They will face sharp and perceptive questions from experienced product experts on the judging panel as well as the audience, and then the judging panel will name the winner of “China Travel Innovative Challenge”.

The panel of judges are consisted of:

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