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Plateno announces to enter overseas markets

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Plateno Hotels Group and Paris Inn Group jointly launched a new hotel brand, ALBAR, which is famous for its attitude towards life and romantic French elegance.

Plateno Hotels Group announced to launch a high-end boutique hotel, ALBAR, in Paris together with Paris Inn Group in October 16. ALBAR Hotel is a new brand based on Paris Hotel Group 's existing high-end boutique hotel brand and jointly launched by Plateno Hotels Group and Paris Inn Group. The launch of ALBAR means Plateno Hotels Group plans to enter global hotel market officially. Plateno Hotels Group plans to open 50 ALBAR hotels in China and 20 hotels overseas.

It is reported that ALBAR is a brand named by French Albar family who take charge of the Paris Hotel Group. The largest features of ALBAR Hotel are its attitude towards life and romantic French elegance.

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