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KLM wants flight transparency, adds reviews and ratings to search results

时间:2016-08-26 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Netherlands-based airline KLM reckons it can enhance its relationship with passengers and improve customer service with the introduction of a reviews system.

The “Rate My Flight” idea has been in testing for some time but it is slowly being rolled out to airline’s web pages from June this year, beginning with passengers in its home country and in the UK who are searching for flights.

A formal announcement is expected in due course but KLM says it has collected reviews and ratings for specific scheduled flights and will now include them in results.

This process, it says, will help with one of its aims to be “transparent and gain more trust”.

User insights manager at KLM, Maaike van der Horn, who manages the project, says:

“Of course each flight is different, but KLM continuously aims to offer the best in service.”

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