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Missed opportunities in mobile from those in the know

时间:2016-08-21 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

A  cross-section of travel industry technology experts gave us their insight on where the mobile opportunity gaps might exist.

Feed the need

Mobile isn’t just a side-dish anymore. That’s why travel companies need to make it a priority.

Nigel Pickford, director of marketing operations and market insight at SITA, explains:

“That companies can communicate effectively with their passengers is fundamental. Passengers are very much driven to consume through mobile technology. The customer is hungry for more: more services and more information in order to make their journey less stressful.”

“Airport operators or airlines could offer content based on location, or based on timing – the length of dwell time in the airport before the flight or the length of the flight – conditions that exist at the destination – bad weather, or limited hotel availability due to local events – for example.”

“Special promotions are clearly a good idea but the offer needs to be timely.”

“Think of the travel journey as a series of ‘moments’ – each of which represents a limited opportunity for a service provider to place a tempting offer in front of the right type of person.”

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