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Wanda Commercial Properties(Group) officially renamed

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Wanda announced to rename its “Wanda Commercial Properties(Group) Co.,Limited” to “Wanda Hotel Development Company Limited” and adopt a new Chinese name.

In October 16, Wanda Commercial Properties(Group) Co.,Limited announced to be renamed as “Wanda Hotel Development Company Limited” and adopt the Chinese name “万达酒店发展有限公司” as the second name.

According to the announcement, the English name of Wanda hotel which was used on the Stock Exchange traded will be renamed from “WANDA COMM PPT” to “WANDA HOTEL DEV” and the Chinese stock short name will be changed from “万达商业地产” to “万达酒店发展”, taking effect from October 22, 2014. The company 's stock code remains unchanged.

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