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Steigenberger to open its first InterCityHotel in China

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Steigenberger Hotel Group now represented by five properties in China and plan to sign first agreement for an InterCityHotel in China.

This means that in addition to the Hotel Maximilian managed by Steigenberger in Beijing, which is successfully operating since summer 2014, a total of five further Steigenberger Group hotels are currently under construction in China.


The new four-star InterCityHotel will have 193 rooms, two restaurants and a café. Guests will be greeted in a large lobby extending over an area of 400 m2. 500 m2 conference rooms will be available to meet the needs of business travellers, who will also be able to relax and keep fit in a 100 m2 gym facility also boasting a pool. The new building is scheduled for completion by the end of next year, at which time it will also be ready to accommodate its first guests.

"China is a key global market that forms one of the main pillars of our strategy for expansion," commented Puneet Chhatwal, CEO of Steigenberger Hotels AG. "After our InterCityHotel in Dubai, we are looking forward to opening the second InterCityHotel in Asia. This way we are successfully continuing our international expansion strategy in the most populous source market in the world - particularly in the high-demand middle-class segment."

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